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We Have a Winner!

After reviewing the many submissions to the Social Enterprise Challenge, I've selected the Village Coffeehouse as the winner. The Village Coffeehouse will be a new, community-based enterprise, with the goal of:

Becoming "woven into the fabric of the community. A place where people gather, meetings can be held, message boards can be displayed, great music and art can be shared all while being able to purchase fantastic coffee, tea, food and products that come from the Canning area. When I imagine success, I think of a vibrant space that welcomes all types of residents for their morning coffee and that also shows tourists and newcomers the best of what our area has to offer. If I can do these things, then I would consider that to be a success." ~ Alice Hartling, Founder

The Village Coffeehouse will be a "third place" (where the first place is home and second is the workplace), a social hub where people from diverse backgrounds will come together to create community. I was especially excited to see this concept, as Canning, the village in which the Coffeehouse will be located, currently lacks a bona fide third space. Neighbours walk past neighbours and visitors every day, running errands at the local shops, sometimes for years, without ever even learning each others' names. The Coffeehouse will provide a space where people will be invited to linger, mingle, and get to know each other. I think that's pretty cool, and I'm happy to be able to play a role in getting this venture off the ground. In the coming weeks and months, I'll keep you posted as things develop. Just look for the "Village Coffeehouse" in the title.

If you want to learn more about the Village Coffeehouse, you can reach founder Alice Hartling at alicehartling @

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